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More Lanes, More Traffic: 5 Ways to Grow Your Website Audience

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More Lanes, More Traffic 5 Ways to Grow Your Website
In the real world, adding more lanes for cars always equals more traffic. You can apply the same idea to your website. Adding more lanes or more ways people can find your site, the more traffic you’ll see. You can create lanes using a variety of different tools and methods. Here are five quick strategies to help you get started:

1. Paid Acquisition

As with most things, money talks. The quickest way to get more web traffic is through paid acquisition or online advertising. If you have the budget for it, start with pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on Google. Google processes about 40,000 searches every second so, there’s a good chance you can reach your audience through the search engine. You can conduct some keyword research and review the searches people use to find your site and target them with a paid search campaign on Google Ads. By targeting relevant keywords and search queries, you can improve your ranking on Google results pages, which will make it easier for people to find your site.

Social media ad campaigns and promoted posts are another effective form of online advertising. If you already see referral traffic from Facebook, then you might guess that your target audience includes many active Facebook users. You can reach even more people on Facebook by boosting popular posts. You can also create campaigns that target users with demographic information similar to your existing Facebook followers or customers. If you’re not sure whether social media ads are right for your business, test them out! With all of the social media platforms available from Twitter to LinkedIn, you are bound to find potential customers on one of them.

2. Social Media Engagement

You don’t need a budget to take advantage of social media. Get active on all of the social media platforms relevant to your brand to create more avenues for people to reach your website. Social media is a great way to engage with new and existing customers. And it’s free to participate! While you have to pay for targeted ad campaigns, you don’t have to pay to join Twitter or Instagram and start posting.

A good way to get web traffic from your social media presence is to actively participate. Create a content calendar for your social platforms of choice so, you always have fresh posts and links popping up in your followers’ feeds. So, don’t just post and share your own content. Talk to other users, participate in discussions, and share outside content to establish your brand online. 11 people join social media every second making it a pretty noisy place where it’s difficult to stand out. Instead of wasting valuable time and energy trying to go viral, focus on connecting with people in your online community.

3. Quality Content

Websites are a great investment, but as with most investments they require work and maintenance to prove valuable. To get a return on your investment, you need to attract visitors with quality content. The “build it and they will come” strategy doesn’t work unless you’re building something that people find beneficial. Give people a reason to go to your website and stay there by creating content they’ll need.

You can produce quality content by sharing posts consistently on a blog or consider your website from a customer’s perspective. What kind of information do they need before they take a desired action? You can establish credibility with reviews and testimonials. Or you can share product information and features that they would find useful. With a blog to accompany your website, you can cover even more topics related to your industry and attract a larger audience that way. To get blog topics your audience will find interesting, check out the search queries people are using to find your website in Google Analytics.

4. Searchable Images

Search engines can’t see pictures. In order to make your images visible to search engines, you should add a description or alternative text. When you upload an image to your website or blog, don’t forget to add alt text. Using alt text for your images is also beneficial for seeing-impaired users and for users with a poor internet connection. Instead of loading the images, the alt text will display and let the user know whether your image content is relevant to them.

When writing alt text, just keep it simple and describe your image accurately. If you can, add relevant keywords to your description. Search engines will then use your alt text to display your images when people search for related content. This is a simple and effective way to increase your website traffic.

5. Fast, Mobile-Friendly Website

The majority of searches today are conducted on mobile devices. Make sure your website is easily accessible to everyone by checking how it looks on mobile. You can measure your website’s mobile-friendliness with this tool by Google. To make your website mobile-friendly, make sure the buttons and font are big enough to read and click. Make sure to use high-resolution images and a responsive layout to ensure your website isn’t distorted on a smaller screen.

Your website is a great resource that you don’t want to go to waste. Make sure you give your target audience a variety of lanes through which to access it. Generating web traffic takes time even if you implement all five of these strategies. Be patient and update your website and social media presence consistently and you’ll see your audience grow over time.

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SEO for WordPress

How to Measure Your Web Traffic and Performance 

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